Vegetable Dishes 27: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are not just for making soup, they are also good when stir-fried. White button mushrooms1 tend to contain sand and become mouldy rather easily, and must be stored and prepared correctly. Shaggy-mane mushrooms2 are easy to prepare and also quite enjoyable.3


1Koumo (口蘑), or “mouth mushroom” is the white button mushroom (Agaricus_bisporus)
2Jituimo (雞腿蘑), or “chicken drumstick mushroom” is the shaggy mane mushroom (Coprinus comatus), before they mature.
3 Both white button and shaggy-main mushrooms are great when young, but old button mushrooms becomes loose and inky and old shaggy-mane mushrooms turn into a mushy, black mess.

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