River Delicacies 1: Two Ways of Preparing Grenadier Anchovy (刀魚二法)

江鮮單::刀魚二法 刀魚用蜜酒釀、清醬,放盤中,如鰣魚法,蒸之最佳。不必加水。如嫌刺多,則將極快刀刮取魚片,用鉗抽去其刺。用火腿湯、雞湯、筍湯煨之,鮮妙絕倫。金陵人畏其多刺,竟油炙極枯,然後煎之。諺曰︰「駝背夾直,其人不活」。此之謂也。或用快刀,將魚背斜切之,使碎骨盡斷,再下鍋煎黃,加作料,臨食時,竟不知有骨,蕪湖陶大太法也。 List of River Delicacies::Grenadier anchovy Grenadier anchovy[1] is best when cooked in the manner of shad: seasoned with sweet wine lees and light soy sauce then placed on a plate and steamed. One does not need to add water in preparing the dish. If one dislikes having to deal with fish bones, use … Continue reading River Delicacies 1: Two Ways of Preparing Grenadier Anchovy (刀魚二法)