Side Dishes 19: Shredded Firm Tofu

Shred good firm tofu into very fine strips and toss with shrimp1 and autumn sauce.2


1The word 蝦子 in Chinese languages could mean either shrimp or shrimp roe. I tend towards the former though the latter could also be possible. While either ingredient would work in the dish, one would actually need a scholar specialized in word usages in Yuan Mei’s time and region to figure out which ingredient was actually specified.
2This dish is basically a minimalist version of liangban gansi 涼拌干絲, except today you can buy the tofu pre-shredded.

2 thoughts on “Side Dishes 19: Shredded Firm Tofu

  1. Fascinating. Just had some 涼拌干絲, for lunch then ran across this recipe. That said, the pic you used sure looks more like a seafood noodle soup than shredded tofu?


    1. The picture actually does depict different dish using 干絲, but the recipe is likely quite different. The criteria for choosing the pics here is “as close as you can”, and since it does contain shrimp and probably soy sauce…


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