Vegetable Dishes 17: Garlic Chives

Garlic chives are a strong flavoured hun food.1 Reserve the white portions of garlic chives and stir-fry with dried shrimp for a great dish. They are also good stir-fried with fresh shrimp, clams, or pork.2


1In the Suiyuan Shidan, the term hun (葷) is used as an umbrella term in a few places not only for Chinese Buddhist vegetarian ideas of what are or are not forbidden foods, but also to note various assertive stenches or flavours. The former category consists of all animal based food as well as all plants form the garlic family, which are believed to disrupt one’s Buddhist practice. The latter, although less common in modern usage, nevertheless feels appropriate considering how delightfully sinful these strong flavours and smell are.

2Disappointingly little is said here about this very tasty and easy-to-grow vegetable, but perhaps it’s omitted because it’s considered common knowledge?

2 thoughts on “Vegetable Dishes 17: Garlic Chives

  1. Can you please get back to me about ordering some of your new book. Berkshire does not respond either to email or phone.Thank you.Darrell Corti

    From: The Way of the Eating To: Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 12:28 PM Subject: [New post] Vegetable Dishes 17: Garlic Chives #yiv7293369677 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv7293369677 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv7293369677 a.yiv7293369677primaryactionlink:link, #yiv7293369677 a.yiv7293369677primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv7293369677 a.yiv7293369677primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv7293369677 a.yiv7293369677primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv7293369677 | Sean JS Chen posted: “Garlic chives are a strong flavoured hun food.1 Reserve the white portions of garlic chives and stir-fry with dried shrimp for a great dish. They are also good stir-fried with fresh shrimp, clams, or pork.2韭韭,葷物也。專取韭白,加蝦米炒之便佳。或用鮮蝦亦可,蜆亦可,肉亦可。Notes:1In ” | |


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